Oceanside’s Political Showdown: The Candidates Face-Off last night @ St. Mary’s

mayor of oceanside oceanside political politics

Oceanside, California, a town known for its pristine waves and surf culture, became the setting for an intense political debate last night at St. Mary’s School on Wisconsin Avenue. With the ocean breeze still lingering in the air, candidates for mayor and city treasurer clashed in what became a heated and spirited exchange. Residents, including local surfers, environmental activists, and small business owners, gathered to witness the political sparks fly.


Mayor Esther Sanchez

The debate saw Mayor Esther Sanchez and Deputy Mayor Ryan Keim at the forefront, with tensions palpable. Their ongoing rivalry unfolded in real time as they debated issues close to the hearts of Oceanside’s residents, like beach preservation and the homeless crisis. While attempts to keep the conversation civil were made, the candidates' animosity led to frequent interruptions, with both being asked to stay within debate rules.

Deputy Mayor Ryan Keim

**Clash Over Homeless Shelter and Beach Erosion**

Deputy Mayor Ryan Keim pointedly accused Mayor Sanchez of initially opposing the new homeless shelter, claiming she only got on board after public outcry. Mayor Sanchez shot back, reminding Keim and the audience that he had held a majority vote on the council yet had failed to drive meaningful progress on homelessness. The tension rose as they discussed the issue of eroding beaches, with Keim stressing that Sanchez hadn’t acted fast enough to protect Oceanside’s coastline. In response, Mayor Sanchez highlighted her efforts to coordinate with neighboring cities and the California Coastal Commission, claiming that Keim’s involvement with external groups had made solutions more difficult.

Beach erosion and coastal preservation are critical issues for Oceanside, where locals depend on the shorelines not just for recreation but as a key part of the economy. Surfers, beachgoers, and environmental advocates are all deeply invested in finding sustainable solutions to safeguard the coast.

**Skip Coomber: The Peacemaker**

In the midst of the debate, Skip Coomber, a local business owner and seasoned lawyer, took on the role of mediator. His calm demeanor and measured approach helped to defuse some of the more contentious moments. Coomber, known in the community for his integrity, seemed to maintain respect across the board. His emphasis on staying level-headed and focused on community solutions resonated well, even as tensions ran high.

Photo: Skip Coomber


**The Future of Oceanside’s Financial Transparency**

Meanwhile, the debate for city treasurer was less fiery but equally important. Phyllis Domingues, long respected for her role in maintaining Oceanside’s financial transparency, faced newcomer Jack Fernandez, who is hoping to energize younger voters with his fresh perspective. Domingues’ poised demeanor and emphasis on honesty and accountability seemed to reassure the audience, but Fernandez’s call for innovation and new leadership struck a chord with those seeking change.

**Community Engagement on the Rise**

What makes this election season stand out is the growing interest from the community. Local residents, including surfers, environmentalists, and small business owners, are becoming more engaged in city politics. The focus on the homeless crisis, beach erosion, and financial transparency speaks directly to Oceanside's values. As surfers know, it’s all about timing, and it feels like now is the time for Oceanside to take bold steps forward—whether that’s protecting the sand beneath our feet or ensuring our city’s fiscal responsibility.

With a mayoral election on the horizon and decisions that will shape the future of our beaches, housing solutions, and local economy, this debate may have been just the start of an even bigger wave of political action.

**What’s Next for Oceanside?**

As we near election day, it’s clear that the stakes couldn’t be higher for our surf-friendly community. Whether you’re passionate about preserving our coastline or concerned with the state of homelessness in the city, the choices we make now will have lasting effects. Both mayoral candidates brought their vision to the forefront, and despite the heated debate, both showed a commitment to the future of Oceanside. The question now is, which candidate will surf the wave of public opinion to victory?

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to cover Oceanside’s political scene. Keep your boards waxed and your ears open, because this race is shaping up to be as dynamic as the waves we ride!

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  • Tracey M on

    Thank you for your well expressed & respectful article. I love seeing the passion in your article as well as our community members involvement for the preserving & improving of our beautiful Oceanside community. The eroded coastline & homeless crisis is a big deal and look forward to learn more about their innovative ideas. I’d personally like to know more about the candidate’s thoughts & plans for the El Corizan area. The development of the new Frontwave Sports arena is wonderful & has great potential for new things Oceanside & economic gains. This space can provide many jobs and potentially help reduce the homeless population for many families who have fallen on hard times. The development plans are far beyond a sports arena, soccer fields, senior center & aquatic center (this is such a small area of this well planned park to be developed on real estate that’s as big or bigger than Central Park in NY. The commercial & residential establishments are being built to help fulfill its economic need. They want to include hiking trails, skate park, wildlife preserve & much more. Was this mentioned at the heated debate at St Mary’s? And if not, maybe they’d be interested in commenting or making a statement. Thank you for putting in the time to express yourself w/ such professionalism & dignity. It’s a well written piece Matthew. Keep this going, your updates & opinions are important & your Oceanside community supporters appreciate you.

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