Unveiling itself as a captivating blue and transparent entity adorning shorelines, the intriguing species known as Velella velella has been making its presence felt. Derived from the Latin word "vēlum," meaning sail, its name aptly reflects the striking resemblance of its blueish clear sail, earning it the common moniker "by-the-wind sailor."

The By-the-Wind Sailor (Velella velella) is not what it seems at first glance—it is a complex ensemble of multiple individuals rather than a solitary organism. These marine hydrozoans share close kinship with jellyfish, belonging to the same group. Much like their Portuguese man o' war counterparts, these colonial hydrozoans operate as a collective, harmoniously cooperating toward their common goals. Fascinatingly, they rely on tentacles equipped with cnidocysts, specialized cells capable of launching harpoon-like structures, to capture and consume planktonic organisms, just like jellyfish.
But what brings them to our shores? The name "by-the-wind sailors" perfectly encapsulates the nature of this species, as they are entirely subject to the whims of the wind, lacking the ability to actively swim from one place to another. Consequently, when prevailing winds align favorably for a considerable duration, large assemblages of these creatures can be observed washing ashore or densely populating local waterways. Their current presence off our coastline can be attributed simply to the winds that have carried them here, allowing us a glimpse into their captivating world.